Sophrology Workshop 25 April 2105



Experience an introductory Sophrology workshop with Celine Pellarin on our Open Day.

Sophrology enables you, by training your inner state of mind, to get better control of our life.  It is about taking time for yourself and learning how to enhance your resilience to our daily stresses.

Through simple exercises you learn how to take responsibility for your own life and health, become more conscious while experiencing an alert mind in a relaxed body.

Celine will be on hand to answer any of your questions on our Open Day- Saturday 25 April. She will also be running a small workshop for you to experience the benefits of Sophrology. Please contact us to secure a place at the workshop. Click Here to RSVP

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Céline is a registered Sophrologist from France. She enjoys guiding people into discovering simple and efficient tools that empower them to live a lighter yet deeper and more enjoyable life.

She specialises in self-development, birth preparation, stress management and helping people get ready for key events in their lives.


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