Food Nutrition: We Are What We Eat?

The world of food nutrition and dietary science is one that is full of contradiction and misinformation. Here is a guideline we work with to help our patients make better food choices. It can be daunting at first when we first begin questioning our modern food culture.

Respiratory Complaints

Osteopathy focuses on treating patients through a unique philosophy of understanding what makes people unwell. It places a strong emphasis on the interconnectedness of the various systems of our body and how this determines our health. Health is not static but is a minute to minute, day to day dynamic expression of a well functioning […]

Having Gremlins in Your Head?

You may have a headache every day or you may have an occasional headache. A headache is annoying, painful, reduces concentration and interferes with all your activities. It also makes you short-tempered and affects you in many physical and physiological ways. While you may pop a pill to deal with the headache, it is important […]

Breast Feed to Better Health

If you think that breast feeding your baby is good for you and your baby, you are not wrong. You bond with your baby; feeding helps you lose weight and gives protection to the baby from many diseases like allergies, gastrointestinal complaints; it also contributes to better neurological development. Feeding your baby is helpful to […]

Runner's Health Workshop

An Interactive Workshop on a simple 8 step Stretching routine to help prevent common running injuries. Homecare for some common sports injuries will also be discussed.

You & Your Child's Health

It’s not easy being a mother running around looking after everybody and keeping everyone happy and healthy. On our Open day, we have a few workshops that we think can be useful for you to help looking after yourself and those who are in your care.

Back to School: School Bag Tips

  [starbox id=jane] The new school year is all of a sudden upon us and with it comes the inevitable packing of even more books into your child’s backpack. As they get older the textbooks get fatter and it is important to ensure that they have an appropriate bag for their needs. Poorly fitted or […]

Top 3 Runner’s Injuries & Prevention

Running injuries usually occur when the in-built suspension mechanism of the lower limb has been compromised. Running itself relies on a complex interaction between many different joints of your body. To make it simpler, we will focus on just the lower limb. Just take a moment and guess the number of foot bones that are […]

4 Ways To Help Loved-ones with Chronic Pain

Being young, fit and healthy it’s easy to forget that others live with chronic pain. It’s easy to go about your life, walking from place to place without feeling pain, participating in whatever activities please you. It usually isn’t until a healthy person has a debilitating, acute injury that they begin to understand the struggle […]

Post Marathon Recovery

If you too have been running the marathon on Sunday, this week is the crucial time to pay some attention to your body and work on those aching joints and muscles to assist a speedy recovery.   Do some gentle walking (or hobbling) This may feel counterintuitive but it is important to keep the sore […]